• Climathon New Zealand

    2018 Complete... Join the facebook group!

  • Join the Facebook Group

    Connect with likeminded people online, share ideas, ask questions to break through challenges.


    Information and interesting news from Wellingtons Climathon.

  • Wellingtons Great Challenges of 2018.

    Create solutions to...


    Trash to Cash

    What waste can become a resource? Let's turn Wellingtons trash into CA$H.



    What does Wellington need to create a sustainable food network?


    Air Transport Emisions

    How can we reduce air transport emissions?

  • Business started at Climathon Wellington

    Here are just a few of the businesses that have come out fo Climathon Wellington and continued.

    Nude Grocer

    Groceries without the bad wrap.

    We like groceries. A lot. We'd even go so far as to say we're wrapped about them. We’re not so wrapped about the plastic they come in. Which is why we've gone ahead and created Nude Grocer! Groceries without the bad wrap.


    Th difference you can make today

    Collaborate is a mobile app that connects people to volunteer opportunities that match their skills and interests. Collaborate makes volunteering fast, fun and addictive.


    Minimising waste the Economate way.

    Using waste for something better than landfill just takes a bit of creativity. Economate takes waste from building sites and provides raw materials to students through their network of schools which turn that into design, furniture and useful projects.

    Refill NZ

    Refill and save our oceans.

    We are reducing plastic water bottle pollution in NZ by having thousands of cafes around Aotearoa allow people to refill their water bottles for free!

  • Co-Hosts

    Since 2015 Wellington City Council and Victoria University of Wellington

    have joined forces to bring you the Wellington Climathon.


    Victoria University of Wellington

    Wellington City Council

  • Partners

    We couldn't bring you Climathon without the support of an amazing set of partners


    Tech and knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship.

    Greater Wellington Regional Council

    Strong supporters on actions to reduce carbon emissions and build climate resilience in Wellington

    Callaghan Innovation

    Callaghan partner with ambitious businesses of all sizes, providing a range of innovation and research and development services to suit each stage of growth.

    Ministry for the Environment

    MfE are the Governments principal adviser on the environment in New Zealand and on international environmental matters. The Ministry are on a mission to make Aotearoa the most liveable place in the world.

  • Supporters

    We are so thankful to our incredible supporters for providing us with the resources to make Climathon what it is

    Bank of New Zealand

    BNZ have been helping New Zealanders make their goals a reality for over 150 years, and now their working with them to redesign banking for the future.

    HealthFit Collective

    HealthFit Collective are a team of health and fitness experts dedicated to guiding dream to reality for every individual that enters their facility. They tailor nutrition, massage, sports psychology, yoga, physiotherapy and conditioning.


    Deloitte New Zealand brings together more than 1300 specialist professionals providing audit, tax, technology and systems, strategy and performance improvement, risk management, corporate finance, business recovery, forensic and accounting services.


    Opus are New Zealand's most renowned engineering consultancy's with 148 years of unrivaled local knowledge of pioneering the important infrastructure and environments of New Zealand.


    Beca have won many awards over the years through combining their skills and insights with those of their clients, using the partnerships to think, design and develop creative solutions together.

    Creative HQ

    Creative HQ enable bright people to build brilliant businesses by nourishing entrepreneurial talent and driving innovation.


    Limber believe in working smarter, not harder. Limber craft exceptional work space tools that make health and high performance the default enabling you to move well, feel well and do well at work.


    MOTIF understands that today's markets demand new models and strategies. They integrate social and environmental development goals into businesses in ways that gain competitive advantage, market growth and drive innovation.


    Mevo is redesigning the way Kiwis move. Mevo is a new take on car ownership, rentals and taxis. Members have 24/7 keyless access via their smartphones to a shared fleet of electric hybrid Audis throughout the city.

    Little Yellow Bird

    Little Yellow Bird is an ethical uniform supplier providing employment opportunities for the people and communities where their products are made.


    Ākina believe social entrepreneurs and social enterprise are key to building an economy that regenerates the environment and creates social foundations for our all. They support, grow and empower the social enterprise sector while influencing and enabling impact across the country.

    Victoria University Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

    The Vic Uni Entrepreneurship boot-camp is a 3-month pre-accelerator programme to help you further validate your idea and to teach you how to think and act like an entrepreneur.

    Generation Zero

    Generation Zero, a youth-led organisation was founded with the central purpose of providing solutions for New Zealanders to cut carbon pollution through smarter transport, livable cities and independence from fossil fuels.

  • Connect #ClimathonNZ

    Keep up to date with news from all NZ Climathon events on facebook and twitter

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  • Create & Test Solutions In 24 Hours

    If you have an idea to reduce carbon emissions, build resilience to climate change in Wellington, or want to use your skills on projects that can, get your pass to 2018's Climathon Wellington.

    Climathon is a global 24 hour challenge where you will be supported by expert design thinking and startup coaches, business leaders and academics to create and test solutions to reduce carbon emissions, build resilience to climate change in Wellington!

  • How Climathon Works


    Learn about the challenges

    On Wednesday the 18th of October there is an exclusive workshop for 30 participants to learn about the challenges from the people that have the knowledge at the Royal Society Of New Zealand.


    Propose solutions & form teams

    Friday night (27th October) is focused on exploring the city's challenges, developing possible solutions, and pitching your ideas to form teams.


    Run experiments to test your ideas

    On Saturday, explore these solutions further using lean methodologies, develop and test hypothesis, and discuss your solution with business professionals and challenge experts


    Present progress and win support

    On Saturday evening, teams present their solutions to a judging panel, who will determine which ideas are most appropriate for each of the available support packages.

  • How will you benefit from Climathon?

    1. Help solve Wellingtons biggest challenges, and make your city more resilient to climate change.
    2. Network with local leaders from academia, business and public sector.
    3. Develop your skills in public speaking, innovative thinking, prioritisation, and explore new startup tools and methodologies.
    4. Join forces with other like-minded entrepreneurs and innovators.
    5. Become a part of a global community working together to create a sustainable future!

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