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Health & High Performance at Climathon Wellington

This year we are bring the good stuff to Climathon. 

· Wellington Climathon

Only 15 Spaces Left if you want to be a part of Climathon 2017.

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Ever been working hard and wished you can pause for a quick massage before continuing? What about having beautiful food delivered to you? Got yoga in your space at work? 

You'll have it all this weekend at Climathon. Free massages on Saturday, a yoga session if you please, and the good stuff - healthy delicious food - delivered and created by the team at Pomegranate Kitchen. 

At Climathon we are all about creating an environment for you to thrive. Our job is to support you to unleash all of your mind and energy into finding the solutions to the challenges you choose to accept.

So let's meet some of the team: 

Bianca Andrews

Remedial Soft Tissue & Clinical Neuromuscular Therapist

Bianca is a remedial soft tissue and clinical neuromuscular therapist who will be providing free massages on the Saturday of Climathon. 

Bianca offers all remedial soft tissue disciplines including therapeutic massage, structural integration techniques (myofascial work, muscle energy techniques, positional release) neuromuscular therapy (such as trigger point therapy), heat therapy, dry needling (biomedical acupuncture), kinesio taping, postural taping, sports taping and lymphatic drainage.


Bianca operates out of Healthfit Collective on Clyde Quay, a multidisciplinary health clinic with physiotherapists, massage therapist, strength and conditioning trainers, mindfulness, yoga and psychologists.

Checkout Healthfit Collective

Sara Warnock

Yoga Instructor

Sara will be leading the lunchtime yoga session on Saturday to get your brain firing for the final leg of the Climathon.

Sara owns Seedling Therapies Collective, a co-working wellbeing space in Upper Hutt where she provides small group and one on one Yoga classes. In addition to community workshops for children and adults Sara teaches trauma informed Yoga in Classrooms and Early Childhood Centres.

Check Out Seedling Yoga

Pomegranate Kitchen


Pomegranate Kitchen are a local Wellington social enterprise who will be creating beautiful and tasty food for everyone to enjoy over the weekend.

They create fresh, tasty, Middle Eastern food lovingly prepared by cooks from a refugee background.

Check Out Pomegranate Kitchen

Only 15 spaces left if you want o be part of Climathon 2017.

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